Program established in Slovakia


Slovak Alumni


US Alumni

Going to the US

Grants for students, scholars, researchers and professionals to study, teach, or conduct research in the U.S.

For Slovak Institutions

Opportunities for Slovak institutions

Going to Slovakia

Grants for students, scholars, researchers and professionals to study, teach, or conduct research in Slovakia, and grants for U.S. institutions

Janeil Engelstad

Fulbright U.S. Scholar 2006-07
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava

Current position:

Founding Director of Make Art with Purpose; Affiliate Artist at Social Practice Art Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz

“My Fulbright experience in Slovakia was life changing. While there I developed relationships and ideas that continue to shape my work today. With Fulbright as a foundation, I have fostered cultural and educational exchanges and events at museums, galleries, universities and festivals between Slovakia and cities throughout the US, including New York, Boston, Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle, benefiting both countries. Additionally, the life-long friendships I made in Slovakia continue to enrich my personal life.”

Janeil Engelstad

Fulbright U.S. Scholar 2006-07

Yoel Rodríguez

Fulbright U.S. Scholar 2016 -17
Slovak Academy of Science, Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology

Current position:

Professor at Hostos Community College of The City University of New York

„My Fulbright experience in Slovakia was amazing, rewarding and reaching, both professionally and personally. A truly transformative journey“

Yoel Rodríguez

Fulbright U.S. Scholar 2016 -17

J. Luke Ryder

Fulbright U.S. Student 2013-14
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities at Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica

Current position:

Historian and editor in Levine Institute for Holocaust Education of U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.

“The immersive experience of a Fulbright award in the Slovak Republic was the opportunity of a lifetime. The unique challenges and rewards of working with Slovak institutions and archives helped me to research and collaborate in more expansive ways. A deeper exposure to Slovak language and culture, and more importantly, the friendships and professional relationships made possible by this award, let to invaluable new perspectives on the history and heritage of Slovakia and the wider region.”

J. Luke Ryder

Fulbright U.S. Student 2013-14

Todd Jusko

Fulbright U.S. Student 2007-08
Department of Toxic Organic Pollutants, Slovak Medical University

Current position:

Associate Professor, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

“I would have never guessed I would spend nearly 2 years of my in the Slovak Republic. As a graduate student in epidemiology at the University of Washington, my dissertation examined the health effects of exposure to PCBs. My colleagues in Bratislava had established a cohort of mother-infant pairs in Michalovce and Svidnik. My experience working with them provided me with a greater knowledge and appreciation of the problem, and more importantly, facilitated a collaboration that continues today. Outside of work, I met many wonderful people and established several lifelong friendships!”

Todd Jusko

Fulbright U.S. Student 2007-08

Steven Lemke

Fulbright U.S. Student 2019-20
Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation

Current position:

Associate Director and Environmental Artist-in-Residence, the Saint John’s Pottery, Instructor, College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University, Minnesota

„The Slovak Fulbright program size is perfect for connecting with a close cohort of students, researchers and scholars in a setting layered with history and natural beauty. Professionally, the insights and connections I gained while doing on-site research of panelák architecture opened doors to speaking opportunities that challenged me to communicate the significance of my creative practice across languages and cultures. My time as a Fulbright fellow in the Slovak Republic was instrumental in equipping me for a career in academia.”

Steven Lemke

Fulbright U.S. Student 2019-20

Grace Sprockett

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant 2018-19
Karol Štúr Grammar School in Modra

Current position:

English language lector, Grammar School Pankúchova, Bratislava

“My Fulbright stay was the most incredible time in my life! Slovakia is the hidden gem of Europe. I have met lifelong friends, including my current boyfriend. Slovakia has so much to offer, including gorgeous landscape, wonderful food, and the kindest people you will ever meet. (And I am from the Midwest so I would know!) It allowed me to exponentially grow as an individual, pushing me outside of my comfort zone and allowing me to become the person I am today. I will forever be grateful to Fulbright for showing me Slovakia, as now it has become a second home.”

Grace Sprockett

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant 2018-19

Emily Lapel

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant 2012-13
Grammar School J.B. Magin in Vrbové

Current position:

Legislative Policy Analyst, Denver City Council, Colorado

“My year serving as a Fulbright ETA was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. My time in Slovakia allowed me to connect with my students and colleagues, and explore the unique history and culture of central Europe. It was incredible to watch the progress my students made throughout the year. My experience challenged me in ways that I never thought I'd experience, but empowered me to take risks in life and know I will thrive.”

Emily Lapel

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant 2012-13

Nancy V. Baker

Fulbright Specialist 2013-14
University of Economics in Bratislava

Current position:

Regents Professor Emerita from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico

“Teaching a class at the University of Economics about campaigning and American politics was both intellectually exciting and personally meaningful. I found the students to be bright, curious and more informed about the subject than many of my U.S. students! In one memorable class, they presented (in English) campaign memos outlining their recommended election strategies. It was fascinating. I also enjoyed working with other faculty and staff, as well as meeting local residents of the lovely, historical city of Bratislava. Many have become friends. A Fulbright in Slovakia is a life experience not to be missed.”

Nancy V. Baker

Fulbright Specialist 2013-14

Ábel Ravasz

Fulbright Slovak Student 2013-14
Columbia University, New York

Current position:

President of the Matthias Bel Institute in Bratislava & former Government Plenipotentiary for Roma Communities

“It was the most intense year of my life: apart from the rigorous studies, I was also able to attend many events, visit exhibitions and museums, meet with incredible people & just wander in NYC. It kickstarted my career: I found a number of people that I still work with, completed my master's thesis and redesigned my career plans. As it happens, the Fulbright Scholarship played a great role in achieving one of my dreams & becoming the plenipotentiary for Roma communities in Slovakia. It was a great experience that I would definitely recommend to all aspiring academics, young and old!”

Ábel Ravasz

Fulbright Slovak Student 2013-14

Milota Sidorová

Fulbright Slovak Student 2013-14
Spitzer School of Architecture, The City College of New York, The City University of NY

Current position:

Head of Participatory Planning Office, Metropolitan institute of Bratislava, moderator and author of radio program Živé Mesto FM, Radio FM

“Fulbright scholarship was one of the best opportunities in life to experience different education system, to meet the best brains in the field, to spend hours in discussion with professors who had curious and partnership approach to me. It showed me the streets of New York in the way that even NY citizens do not know it, I walked through it, observed the life and searched for urban development linkages. It showed me how perseverance, curiosity and the desire to keep personally growing are the real philosophy of life and how complaining, as a cultural phenomenon, will lead us nowhere.”

Milota Sidorová

Fulbright Slovak Student 2013-14

Tomáš Hrozenský

Fulbright Slovak Student 2016-17
Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University

Current position:

Researcher, European Space Policy Institute, Vienna

“Fulbright scholarship was an invaluable cultural and professional experience, and it opened for me many doors when seeking next career steps afterwards”

Tomáš Hrozenský

Fulbright Slovak Student 2016-17

Mária Kolesárová

Fulbright Slovak Scholar 2017-18
Georgetown University

Current position:

Assistant Professor at Institute of Social Medicine and Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava

“I had always dreamt about visiting the places where the field I love and work in had been born. The science of bioethics has been founded in Georgetown. Fulbright scholarship allowed me to do research in ethics of genetics, learn about new methods of medical ethics teaching and to become more familiar with clinical ethics consultation. The best and most unexpected part was that I truly became a part of the Georgetown bioethics community. But it didn’t end when I left the US. I’m still in touch and collaborating with my friends and colleagues from the two bioethical centers there.”

Mária Kolesárová

Fulbright Slovak Scholar 2017-18

Michal Vašečka

Fulbright Slovak Scholar 2008-09
Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University

Current position:

Program Director, Bratislava Policy Institute

“I lectured on migration policy and researched US approaches to migration under President George W. Bush. Though, during my stay I have had 6 lectures and seminars on the situation in Slovakia and Central Europe - at the Georgetown, the Johns Hopkins, the UNC-Chapel Hill, in the US Congress, at the Woodrow Wilson Center, and lastly at the New School in NYC. I consider my stay enlightening. I benefited from the results of it for many years, I published 2 publications and numerous articles. I managed to understand an utterly complicated migration policy of the US and of particular states of the Union.”

Michal Vašečka

Fulbright Slovak Scholar 2008-09

Tatiana Bužeková

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence 2017-18
Department of Cultural Studies, Evergreen State College

Current position:

Head of the Department of Ethnology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava

“Participation in the Fulbright Scholar-In-Residence Program was a great experience for me, both professionally and personally. My colleagues were extremely kind and helpful; cooperation with them enriched me in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of pedagogical skills. The experience I gained at the Evergreen State College helps me teach at my home university and improve my teaching practices.”

Tatiana Bužeková

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence 2017-18

Peter Terem

Ronald and Eileen Weiser Professional Development Award 2019-20
Weiser Diplomacy Center at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

Current position:

Vice-rector for Science and Research, Matej Bel University

“Stay at the U-M offered me new experiences in my research field of international relations and the US foreign policy issues. My core philosophy in applying for this program included not only furthering my knowledge of the US foreign policy and the concept of soft power for my future goals in academia, but also fostering my personal growth through an interchange of knowledge and ideas at one of the best world universities. Experiencing of public event at the Weiser Center, less formal approach, deep analysis and intensive discussions, as well as professionalism at the U-M has brought me the most valuable and useful inspirations.”

Peter Terem

Ronald and Eileen Weiser Professional Development Award 2019-20

Alena Vachnová

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow 2017-18
Boston University, Questrom School of Business, Financie and economic development

Current position:

Development Manager, Nadácia DEDO/Foundation DEDO

“My Humphrey year influenced everything, what I have been doing since my reentry to Slovakia. Not only that I found an answer to a solution for homelessness, but I also learned innovative approaches and steps to end homelessness. And I have decided to apply it all in Slovakia.”

Alena Vachnová

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow 2017-18

Fulbright Slovakia moved to the new premises

The J. William Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchanges in the Slovak Republic has moved to new premises. We have relocated from Panenská 29 to Panenská 23, 811 03 Bratislava. You can find us there starting November 5, 2024.

Statement on Ukraine by Fulbright Commissions in Europe

On behalf of Fulbright Commissions in Europe, we strongly condemn the Russian assault on Ukraine in violation of international law and human rights. We are working with the US Department of State and local US Embassies, and with governmental partners in our host states, to guarantee the safety and security of alumni and grantees.

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program application deadline

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program is the largest program of its kind in the United States, awarding more than 800 fellowships annually.

Inter-Country Travel Grant for U.S. Lecturers in Europe

An opportunity for U.S. scholars currently on Fulbright programs in Europe to create connections with fellow Slovak scholars in their field upon invitation from a Slovak institution – university, cultural center, government or non-governmental organization for a maximum 5-day visit to Slovakia.

Fulbright Specialist Program

Opportunities for highly qualified U.S. academics and professionals from all fields to share their expertise with Slovak institutions.


is a PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at STU Bratislava, where her research focuses on the history of mountain architecture. Her Fulbright project, "Mountain Solitudes," explores the relationship between architecture and mountainous environments, examining how these landscapes are colonized and exploited by architectural practices. Her host institution will be the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver...


is from Arlington, Massachusetts. He recently graduated Amherst College where he studied Mathematics. As a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Martin, he is excited to share his love for American literature and folk music. He hopes to learn about Slovak folk traditions and create a fun and engaging classroom in which students are eager to share their culture and experiences.


is a Chief of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Department, Medical School, Comenius University, National Institute of Children’s Diseases, Bratislava. Her Fulbright project focuses on advancing the understanding of pediatric cancer through the integration of genomics and precision medicine. It aims to understand personalized treatment strategies that improve outcomes and quality of life for young patients. She will be affiliated with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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