Fulbright Awards
for U.S. Citizens

Through unique international educational and cultural exchanges, the Fulbright Program gives passionate and accomplished American students, scholars, teachers, artists and professionals of all backgrounds the opportunity to come to Slovakia to pursue their studies, teach, or engage in research or projects supervised by an approved institution, or a combination of both.

The Fulbright Program for U.S. candidates is administered by our partner IIE - the Institute of International Education. Both U.S. students and scholars apply for a Fulbright grant through IIE, but the Commission may assist candidates in establishing research contacts or discussing the feasibility of projects. Teaching and/or research proposals are welcome in all disciplines.

Through the Fulbright Program, U.S. colleges and universities that do not have a strong international component and/or serve audiences from all backgrounds may invite a Slovak scholar to lecture or teach for one or two semesters.

To learn more about Fulbright Awards and start your application, see the list of awards below and click on the selected award for more details.

To learn more about Slovakia, please visit About Slovakia

List of Awards

Awards for Students

Awards for Scholars

Awards for Institutions

Awards for Professionals

Fulbright Awards